

Sustainable Production


Saving on Energy and Natural Resources

We care about the environment we live in. At the same time, we are aware of how important a responsible approach from manufacturing companies is for the sustainable management of our natural resources. That’s why we are consistently committed to sustainable production. We introduce innovative technologies, save on energy and reduce waste production. 

We support sustainable and circulating products, promote efficient eco-design and use fibres made from bio-based materials all in accordance with OECD guidelines to ensure that our operations are resource-friendly, efficient and sustainable. We are committed to preserving a healthy environment for future generations.

Contact Us

Do you like our green and sustainable approach? Join us! We are E&M Manufacturing Czech Republic, textile production Lázně Bělohrad – Horní Nová Ves. Call or write us via the contact form. Together we will find the best solutions for you.